HIIT Classes in McKinleyville, CA

Try our HIIT Classes

HIIT Classes

Combining fundamental movements with cardio intervals this HIIT class will take your training to the next level.

With a focus on our number one muscle-THE HEART, this class is designed to maximize cardiovascular health, develop muscular strength and efficiency while also increasing energy and improving mindset.

Teen Summer Camps

1st Session- July 5th-July 7th

2nd Session- July 12th-July 14th

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 9:30am -12:30am

1 hour workout, 1hour walk to park + games, and lunch (provided)

Sign up now! $65 per week

1st Session
2nd Session


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1985 Central Ave, McKinleyville, CA 95519
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The hardest step is always the first step. It's time to act!

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