Growing up in a small town, there wasn't a ton of opportunity for fitness. Sure I played on the school basketball and track teams, but it wasn't until I was adult that I truly found my love for fitness! Once I discovered that I was capable of achieving my goals, fitness and exercise became a must in my life.
I found myself doing everything for my family and nothing for myself. All I wanted was to be the best Mom and wife I could, but how could I be the best for them when I wasn't giving myself the attention I needed? I was so nervous to start working out, I doubted myself and kept putting it off. "I'll start Monday." Finally, I just did it, and it was HARD! But guess what, so is being unhealthy and out of shape! Starting my journey was the best thing I could have ever done for myself.
My goal is to inspire, encourage, and motivate anyone and everyone who ever doubts themselves for one single second. You are able, and you can do it!